Wednesday, March 14, 2012


During an Iridology session, Jennifer makes personalized recommendations for improvement, taking into account your current diet and lifestyle and whatever other factors may be presently involved in your condition.
After the reading, you will have a better understand of your body and health and feel empowered and motivated to begin making positive change. Although she is an advocate of raw foods in the diet, Jennifer does notpush anyone to go down that road themselves. Don’t worry about Jennifer trying to change everything you are currently doing, but do expect some realistic recommendations for improvement based on where you are at and where you would like to go with your health.

Jenifer Thompson is a fully trained and qualified IIPA Certified Comprehensive Iridologist (CCI) through the International Iridology Practitioners Association.

The main points that are covered during an Iridology assessment are:
  • §  * Identification of inherent predispositions. No one is born with a clear slate in the eye; we are all born with different natural strengths and weaknesses. The interesting thing about the body is that it will always manifest illness in it’s weakest areas first. This will usually start to happen when a person becomes stressed, out of balance, toxic or deficient. By gaining knowledge and insight regarding your own inherent weaknesses, you can learn to listen to your body, understand better when you becoming out of alignment, and help to work with your body to stay healthy and strong.
  • §  * Accumulation of any trauma experienced during a lifetime. The brain remembers everything that has ever happened to your body. It is like the hard drive of the body, and the irides are like the file folders. But there is no ‘delete’! In the eyes, we can see if there has been trauma to an area of the body through injury or impact, especially if the injury is still causing pain or imbalance in the body.
  • §  * Current conditions, i.e. exactly where your body is experiencing inflammation or an abnormal condition, sometimes even without acute awareness on your part. Some of the most common current conditions identified in the eye are bowel function, kidney function, circulation, brain function, stress if it is affecting the physical body, mineral deficiencies, immune function and toxic accumulation.

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